?MasterSeal M 270NP
Polyurethane Base Coat for MasterSeal Traffic 2500, 2530 and 2575 Deck Coating Systems
How does MasterSeal M 270NP work?
MasterSeal M 270NP is a two component polyurethane base coat for use in MasterSeal Traffic 2500, 2530 and 2575 Primerless deck coating systems.
Recommended uses:
- Stadiums
- Balconies
- Parking garages
- Commericial construction
- Plaza decks
What are the unique features of MasterSeal M 270NP?
- Seamless waterproof membrane helps protect concrete from freeze/thaw damage
- Faster setting times, even in cooler climates
What are the benefits of MasterSeal M 270NP?
- Primerless basecoat provides a simpiler application process and reduces labor and material costs