MasterEmaco S 466CI

MasterEmaco S 466CI

Master Builder Solutions

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    ?MasterEmaco S 466CI
    Flowable structural-repair concrete with integral corrosion inhibitor

    How does MasterEmaco S 466CI work?

    MasterEmaco S 466CI is a flowable, shrinkage-compensated repair concrete. It is designed for large volume repairs, including structural elements in applications from 1" (50 mm) to full depth. It has a unique formulation that provides excellent bond, resistance to sulfates and chlorides, high electrical resistivity, low permeability, high-compressive strengths, and protection from corrosion.

    Recommended uses:

    • Interior and exterior
    • Large volume structural repairs
    • Repair or replacement of concrete elements

    What are the unique features of MasterEmaco S 466CI?

    • Very low chloride permeability and an integral corrosion inhibitor protects reinforcing steel
    • Only requires the addition of potable water
    • High compressive strength
    • Abrasion resistant for repairs requiring protection from vehicular traffic

    What are the benefits of MasterEmaco S 466CI?

    • Excellent freeze/thaw resistance for durability in cold, wet environments
    • Flowability makes it ideal for placement by pumping or pouring into congested locations
    • Shrinkage-compensated, minimizing cracking from drying shrinkage reducing stress at the bond line

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    Additional Information

    Manufacturer: Master Builder Solutions

    2023 CSI-RI