MasterRoc MP 368


Master Builder Solutions

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    MasterRoc MP 368
    Highly reactive, fire-resistant two-component polyurea silicate injection resin for ground consolidation.

    How does MasterRoc MP 368 work?

    MasterRoc MP 368 product is a fast-reacting two-component, solventfree polyurea silicate injection resin specifically designed for rapid ground consolidation.

    Recommended uses:

    • Consolidation of fractured rock in underground structures
    • Consolidation of coal in development roadways and longwalls
    • Sealing against gas and water
    • Repair of concrete cracks

    What are the unique features of MasterRoc MP 368?

    • Good adhesion to concrete - Develops bond strength of 725 psi (5 MPa) in 30 minutes after application
    • Mixes easily even at low temperatures (as low as 40 °F [5°C])
    • Compressive strength of over 4,350 psi (30 MPa) in 24 hours
    • High structural strength combined with flexibility
    • Injected material has good adhesion to damp and low friction substrates
    • Does not absorb water

    What are the benefits of MasterRoc MP 368?

    • Increases productivity and shortens injection down-time
    • Reduces rock falls typically resulting from unstable ground conditions?

    Additional Information

    Manufacturer: Master Builder Solutions

    2023 CSI-RI