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    The 3M™ Lens Cover, Respiratory Protection Accessory helps protect the 3M™ Full Facepiece 7000 Series lens (sold separately) from scratches, chips and dust. Disposable lens cover is recommended for painting and other spray applications. This accessory helps protect the investment made in respiratory equipment. For more than a century, 3M has applied innovation and technology to improving our customers’ lives and supporting their business goals. Today the company, from its headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota, serves industrial and commercial customers and consumers in nearly 200 countries. Occupational Health and Environmental Safety products, focused on worker safety, include respirators, hearing-protection products, air-monitoring devices, environmental-safety products, and comprehensive training programs. The 3M brand, across thousands of products, represents consistency, superior quality, and value.

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    Manufacturer: 3M

    2023 CSI-RI